Red Cedar Ranch
Family owned, responsibly raised beef.
El Dorado Springs, Missouri
Our Cattle
On our farm, our cattle are part of our famiy. We want them to have longevity on our ranch.
We do this through selective breeding and attention to genetics.
We have developed our herd and perform during unpredictable weather conditions and to thrive during all seasons on the grasslands of Missouri.
We use Angus, Simmental and Gelbvieh breeds. We recently added a Beefmaster bull and are looking forward to sprinkling more drought-tolerant genetics into our herd.
Our Land
Grasses are like athletes. Both require rest and recovery after training, or in the case of grass, after being grazed by cattle.
We manage where and how long our cattle graze the grass. We do this to give the grass time to rest and recover between grazings.
We divide our land into smaller pastures and rotate the cattle to fresh grass based on grass height and nutritional needs of the cattle.
Online Store Coming Soon!
We sell whole, half and retail cuts of beef. Please contact us below for availability.